Website Design & Development

I created a new website ‘Woking Trails‘ which comprised of a series of self-guided Treasure Trails to let people learn more about the rich heritage, great spaces and inspiring places Woking has to offer. The trails were called ‘Espionage‘, ‘The Menagerie‘, ‘Bygone Days‘, ‘All at Sea‘, ‘In Bloom‘, ‘Heroes & Heroines‘, ‘Invaders‘, ‘Hidden Past‘, ‘Historical Times‘ and FREE TrailDiscovery‘.

Responsive Design

The site is built using WordPress and uses a number of plugins to improve the functionality. The responsive design means the website looks great on the majority of devices, be it an iPad or iPhone, laptop or desktop computer.

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Professional & Stylish

I created the artwork for all of the individual booklets along with the quiz questions and answers, making it as much fun as possible for children and adults alike.